A massive thank you from the team here at #sharpe22 festival and conference to all of who you joined us in @novacvernovka from all over the places to make SHARPE AMAZING again! ?
A huge thank you goes to all our attendees, artists, speakers, media, teams of technicians, sound engineers, lighting engineers, volunteers, photographers, friends, our supporters and more for participating this year.It was so good to be back celebrating living music, art & culture for the first time free of covid restrictions, but we were also making an effort to spotlight important topics such as the events in Ukraine as an expression of solidarity with the Ukrainian people. ??
Last but not least, we thank our partners for their unwavering support, without which it would not be possible:
Main partners Slovak Arts Council and Kooperativa.
Partners SOZA, Zastúpenie Európskej komisie na Slovensku, Kreatívna európa, Bratislava mesto, Bratislava regional tourism, BKIS, BSK, Pilsner Urquell, Ital Market, Kult Minor, Poľský Inštitút, Goetheho Inštitút, Rakúske kultúrne fórum, Embassy of the Netherlands in Slovakia, Iuventa, Eurodesk, Kofola, Lunter, Ryba Žilina, Nay, ESNS Exchange, Live Europe, Dolis Goen and media partners Rádio_FM, Full Moon Magazine, Denník N, Hudba.sk, Citylife, Mojamuzika, hajde.fr, in.ba.
We’ll be back again next year – See you there! ?