SHARPE music festival & conference 2019 will take place in Bratislava in the last weekend of April combining public performances with a music industry conference. SHARPE recently announced a wave of new artists and unveiled the first information about conference program. Moreover, the festival is expanding to full two-day event this year.
For now with the announced artists such as FVLCRVM, Catastrofy or Sisa Fehér & Vladko Mikláš and with plenty more to follow, the festival introduced 11 new artists to its line-up. The local scene is covered by Katarzia & Pjoni, nvmeri, Luvver, Möbius, Our Stories a Ondrej Zajac delivering the fresh blend of dreamy post-indie, heavy doom-sludge, electronic minimalism and avant-garde experimental music. From the international names added to this year’s line-up an electro-pop producer Giungla, the hottest newcomers to the Prague alternative scene Market, Swedish indie-pop Melby and a noise-rock trio The Sweet Release of Death have been introduced. Special mention comes to a Polish psych-rock band Trupa Trupa, who recently signed to an iconic American label Sub Pop.
The music industry conference will again feature series of panels, lectures and workshops. An intense artist management workshop will be led by Peter Jenner, the founder and former manager of Pink Floyd. Sarah Chanderia’s lecture will address the issue of copyright in the music business. More of the conference program will be announced soon.
Also, the music festival will expand to two-day format this year. SHARPE will run on Friday 26th as well as Saturday 27th featuring concerts on 5 stages, while previous years it was only one full day of concerts.
The second edition of SHARPE music festival & conference 2019 will take place from April 26-27th 2019 at Nova Cvernovka in Bratislava. Tickets are available here for the price of 19€ for a two-day ticket. Pro Pass including both festival days and a conference for the price of 29€.
For more information, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The general partner of SHARPE festival is VÚB banka. Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.
Youtube, Spotify and Deezer playlists:
New artists of SHARPE 2019 (video):
Aftermovie SHARPE 2018:
Foto credits: Tomáš Kuša