Known as a singer of the roaring 52 Hertz Whale, Dominik Prok has released a (non-noise) solo album as the culmination of his long-term dream of independent artistic realization.
His album “there is no rescue mission, we are safe” is a Slovak response to the tradition of American and British songwriting, of which Proky is a big fan. However, don’t expect a mindless copy.
It is an honest statement of one life chapter, which he copes with in his own way. By music. Guitar folk with a rich representation of various instruments, such as flute, piano, bass, banjo and more. Altogether supporting the theme of a glimmer of hope in a self-created dystopia.
Playing on: Friday, 26 April, 2024 | 365 Bank Stage | 21:20 – 22:00
Bandcamp: https://dominikprok.bandcamp.com/album/there-is-no-rescue-mission-we-are-safe