For the voyeur in all of us, PDOA (Public Display of Affection) have arrived. Madeleine Rose, Lewis Lloyd, Anton Remy and Jesper Munk released their Debut EP – ‘P.D.O.A.’ in late 2021, quickly followed by ‘Pink City’. October 2022 sees the release of the bands first full length record ‘I Still Care’ Playing their part in keeping Germany’s capital weird, PDOA’s live shows hark back to the fearless eccentricity explored by the Berlin performance art and music collectives of the 1980’s. Described by Post-Punk Magazine as a hybrid of Jazz and Post Punk. An act of near zen like non duality, hittin’ that golden ratio between the soulful and the sinful.
Playing on: Friday | 20:40 – 21:20 at Club Cverna
web https://linktr.ee/p.d.o.a.live
bandcamp https://publicdisplayofaffection.bandcamp.com/