Kalaallit Nunaat (NL) - SHARPE skip to Main Content


A train that keeps on going, relentlessly quick and loud. This best describes the group of noise rockers from the Netherlands’ harbor city of Rotterdam. Fusing shrill, screaming guitar feedback with a primal bass, even more primal drums and the most primal vocals, the group manages to find beauty in noise and simplicity. They’ve taken their brand of havoc to many venues and festivals in the Netherlands and Belgium including Left of the Dial, Grasnapolsky, and an EP release in Rotown Rotterdam. It is just about the time for them to explore further countries in Europe! 

Playing on: Friday | 22:20 – 23:00 at RÁDIO_FM stage

web https://linktr.ee/Kalaallitnunaat
bandcamp https://kalaallitnunaat.bandcamp.com/

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