The showcase festival SHARPE brings young European musical talents to Slovakia. Polish performer Jann and Hungarian artist Boebeck will perform tomorrow (Thursday, November 24) in Nova Cvernovka in Bratislava. This concert is part of the Explore project, which presents in once a month new music by European performers who not only have the ambition, but also the potential to become recognized names on the international music scene.
Jann is a 23-year-old charismatic artist, producer and writer based in Warsaw, Poland. Deeply rooted connection with music and art manifested in the young artist’s life since the beginning. His unique scale (counter-tenor) led him to the National Opera in Warsaw where he performed for a number of years. He then moved to London where he studied at BIMM.
However, despite his classical education, he focuses on pop in his work. He released his debut single “Do you wanna come over” in 2021 and gained quite an impressive number of listeners and devoted fans around the world.
„Gladiator” Official Music Video
„Promise” Official Music Video
boebeck (HU)
If you take an in-depth look at ‘comfortable’, boebeck’s first EP, you will gain an insight into the thoughts of a fragile yet heartfelt singer-songwriter who’s ready to step out of a family heritage that might foreshadow her artistic career from the beginning. This background is both a blessing and a curse, especially when your father is your home country’s most celebrated intellectual of his generation through contemporary music, literature and social studies, but these values also determined the ways boebeck’s identity as a songwriter came to be.
These same questions of identity and defining one’s self are tackled on ‘i am not’, boebeck’s outstanding artistic debut. Here, the listener can be sure only about one thing: boebeck is on the best way to become the hottest early bet of the region’s contemporary, heartfelt and honest pop music scene.
“i am not” Official Music Video
“red stars” Official Music Video
boebeck (HU)
The Explore project is organized by the SHARPE festival in cooperation with Nova Cvernovka and the Liveurope platform – the first pan-European initiative to support European concert venues & artists. The Liveurope project is co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Union.
SK: Showcaseový festival SHARPE opäť prinesie na Slovensko mladé európske hudobné talenty. Už zajtra (štvrtok 24. novembra) v Novej Cvernovke v Bratislave vystúpi poľský interpret Jann a maďarská umelkyňa Boebeck. Tento dvojkoncert sa koná pod hlavičkou projektu Explore, ktorý má za úlohu predstaviť na Slovensku raz mesačne novú hudbu európskych interpretov, ktorí majú nielen ambíciu, ale aj potenciál stať sa uznávanými menami na medzinárodnej hudobnej scéne.
Jann (PL)
Mnohí ho opisujú ako vychádzajúcu hviezdu poľskej popovej scény. Jann je 23-ročný umelec, spevák, producent a skladateľ. Spočiatku sa venoval najmä klasickej hudbe, niekoľko rokov spieval v Národnej Opere vo Varšave. Teraz tvorí najmä emóciami presiaknutý pop.
Boebeck (HU)
Boebeck je mladá umelkyňa z Maďarska, ktorej hudba premieňa realitu na sen. Pri tvorbe čerpá z hĺbok svojej identity a odhaľuje svoje vnútro. Žánrovo je k nej najbližšie lyrický pop. V poslednom roku odohrala koncerty po celej Európe a s novým albumom “8” prichádza aj do Bratislavy.
Projekt Explore organizuje festival SHARPE v spolupráci s Novou Cvernovkou a platformou Liveurope – prvá celoeurópska iniciatíva na podporu koncertných venues v ich úsilí o propagáciu začínajúcich európskych umelcov. Projekt Liveurope je spolufinancovaný programom Európskej únie Kreatívna Európa.