Richard Michalík (SK) - SHARPE skip to Main Content

Richard Michalík
(Hviezdne noci festival, SK)

Richard Michalík is a booker, promoter, and curator for the Slovak festival and collective Hviezdne noci (2020 -) based in the cities of Bytča and Žilina. He has been working in culture since he was 17 (it wasn’t that long ago), when he started as a volunteer for the same festival. 

What once primarily was a pioneering film event after years transformed into a well-known music festival and platform with ranging activities from running a local cultural venue Ladovňa to a festival with recognizable international lineups. The main objective after the years for Hviezdne noci stayed the same – bringing independent culture to the periphery.

From 2019 Richard also likes to write about music for the Czech music magazine FullMoon and the media platform Swine Daily focusing on everything from contemporary pop and jazz to avant-garde music.

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