Matwe Kaščák
Matwe is a former music curator of Nová Cvernovka, the art centre & community in Bratislava, co-founder of techno party Nočná, agent at SPFM – booking agency for underground & audiovisual electronic artists from Central & Eastern Europe, Ph.D. candidate at Masaryk University in Brno in the field of Digital Culture & Creative Industries, freelance curator & teacher of festival theory, as he was previously involved with Pohoda Festival as a core member for 5 years. Apart from this he’s also a DJ formed by world’s festivals and various events that he loves to haunt during the year.
SAT | 13:00-14:00 | Keynote Interview: Michail Stangl in Conversation with Paula Poštolková & Matwe Kaščák of SPFM