Anita Richelli (DE) - SHARPE skip to Main Content

Anita Richelli
(Most Wanted: Music, DE)

Anita Richelli is a band manager (for the Italian artist Any Other), booking agent and concert promoter. She works under her own company: brighter agency. Originally from Verona, she started organizing gigs during high school, in her own DIY place called Casetta Lou Fai. 

Later, she joined Interzona, a cultural association in her hometown, where she was responsible for the music program and communication. In 2012, she spent some time at Rex Cultural Centre in Belgrade, Serbia. In Berlin since 2010, she has worked for different booking agencies, promoters and festivals, beside working as independent promoter. 

Since 2022 she is in charge of booking for the showcase part of Most Wanted: Music, Berlin’s most important music business event.

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